Leon Franklin: Author

Noel F Bennett: Film Maker

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Friends of St. Clare's 

In Training

Leon Franklin: In Training

Life is one long learning process! Well, that is how it should be but I know by other's examples, for some, learning stops at the school gates. I hated school. I remember very plainly standing in the playground one day thinking 'What on earth am I doing here amongst all these stupid kids?' I was looking around noticing all their silly antics. I was delighted, every day at about 4.00 o'clock, to be on the way home. I took too much time off, sometimes for genuine illness, sometimes just because I did not want to be there. Aided and abetted by my mam who liked my company (I remember we played draughts and cards a lot) and thought she was doing me a favour.

Once I got into the big wide world my attitude to learning seemed to change and the older I got my thirst and interest for knowledge also grew. I believe, if my school days had been more productive, I could have had a more lucrative career. However one of the things I have learned is that you cannot have everything in life. You can have some things but not everything. I would not trade the life that I have had for any other. Especially the twentysix wonderful years I had knowing, courting, marrying, loving (and being loved in return by June) the girl I met at a roller skating club in my teens.

I have learned more since leaving school than I did at school. As you may have read in my resume I have continued to do and learn new things, either through my work or just as a hobby. I have always enjoyed writing and again, from my resume, you will see the other writing projects I have been involved in.

I have done a great deal of research via the internet as well as reading books I have purchased or loaned from the library. I am also learning a lot by following a similar system as the one put in place to learn about and correct faults on aeroplanes. When an aircraft crashes or has a near miss the investigators go in and get to the bottom of the problems. When they find out why the incident occurrred they put in place new rules or designs to prevent the same thing happening again. Well when I write something a lot of it crashes and burns. The only difference is I did not know the incident was so bad until my investigators have been at work. Thankfully my investigators are pointing out my weaknesses and making suggestions regularly. In other words I am learning by my mistakes. The secret is I must be sure to make all my mistakes before I submit a proposal to a potantial agent.

My latest project (see Projects and Events) is a survey of people who have read my first book. Some of the surveys are still outstanding but I will bring you the results when they are in. [UPDATE - 03/03/14 Survey results now available to those who took part. Due to the results of the survey I made many minor changes and at least three major changes/additions.]

Another most important thing that I have learned is I must be willing to take criticism. I must welcome it, no matter how hard it is to bear.

Some people (I was one of them) don't realise that it is not just practical writing ability that is needed to become a succesful author. The story has got to capture the imagination, yes of the reader, but also of the potential agent. I need an agent who, if they like my work, will know exactly which publisher to offer it to. But first they also need to be convinced that I am marketable and that my proposal has legs. They must be sure that I am able to promote my books and myself as an author. Notice I said books plural. They will not want to put in a lot of time and energy if my proposal consists of just one book. That is why my proposal consists of a series of books with similar settings yet each with a very different story line. Several books marketed properly is much more financially profitable. As far as being marketable, I do feel that I tick at least most of the boxes here. Check my resume for my background interest in the entertainment industry, and my previous communication experience as an actor and teacher, to see if you agree. 
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